Sunday, December 6, 2009

Still got the mommy guilts

Peanut sat most of the day. I think he was pouting. :o(

Although I did notice just how determined he is because he was on the couch with me when daddy walked by to do the nightly fresh water routine. Peanut always goes with daddy to do the night time routine so he tried with all his might to get to daddy and he made it to the dining room which was only about 6 feet or so from where we were sitting. But, still, he made it that far having a very short clip! (not my doing!!! Next time, if there is a next time, I will take him to the vet!)

I had a very nice day yesterday. First we lounged around in our PJ's, then we all got ready to take the puppies to visit Santa and have their picture taken. Then we came home and put up our tree and other decorations. Then we ate dinner together and it was time for bed. The best part was that we got our very first snow! It was the perfect kind of snow that just dusted the grass, trees, and the tops of the vehicles. But it didn't stick to the roads! :o) It was beautiful!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Mommy guilt

We just came home from getting Peanut clipped. While the pros outweighed the cons, I feel like the world's worst parront! No amount of pros can make this guilt go away. He is picking at his feet and preening what is left of his wing feathers. :o(

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Note to self

Don't hang play area's with string specifically for a hormonal female lovebird who is infatuated with stealing string for nesting materials... LOL! Every few minutes, she sends something crashing to the floor which scares us all!

It wasn't really string, it was hemp rope but she still steals it!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Procrastination and routines

I learned something today. Even though I enjoyed myself last week with no extra kids around, I didn't do a whole lot. When I get up at 5 and am expecting kids to show up, I know that I have a certain amount of time to get things done. So, I don't procrastinate or lose focus.

But, when I have all the time in the world like last week, to get thing done, I put them off and put them off saying things like, "well, there is always tomorrow to get that done." I need a set routine and a deadline.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Let the Stress Begin!

I love my nephew, I really do. But, I don't look forward to watching him like I use to. It is only for 4 hours a day, that is what my mother says, but I have to get up at 5AM to be ready for him to come at 5:45AM. Then I have to be at his beck and call til my mother comes at 7AM. Buttttt.... she leaves again to take my other nephew to school and isn't back until 7:30 which is really when I can come upstairs for my day to really begin.

I clean and take care of my family (feathery, skinned, and furry) until 11:30 when I have to go back downstairs to finish off my "shift"

I had off this past week which was heavenly because I got to sit leisurely still in my PJ's and didn't have to rush to take care of anybody. :o(

Rushing off to eat some breakfast, clean bird room, and feed birds. Rush rush rush :o(

Friday, October 16, 2009

Update to my challenge

Well, it didn't work out too well. I successfully stopped him/her from going under the hutch. And, I made new hidey holes for him. But, he had no interest in them just yet and my female lovebird found them first which started a fight between Oreo and Peaches. So, the hidey holes went bye byes.

Back to the drawing board.

One thing I know is, I have to keep them from fighting so all potential nesting sites must go. Which means my kitchen curtains must go. Even though Oreo is clipped, he is getting some flight feathers back so he is able to make it to the kitchen window.

I think I took on too much when I brought Peaches home.

I liked the dynamics of my flock before. We were happy. Why did I have to have Peaches? She has literally rearranged my whole entire flock and my house. Poor Peanut is so confused! He is in hormone overdrive all the time. My poor baby. I don't know what to do for him. Maybe I should consider rehoming Peaches??? :o( I don't even want to think about that because when an animal comes to live with us, this is their final home.

Hmm, what to do what to do????

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A controversial post

Something that is gaining a lot of TV coverage these days is the flu and the flu vaccines.

First of all, thanks to all the journalists for successfully scaring my daycare children. They are so worried that they will get the swine flu. The journalists have made it sound as if it is the worst thing to a plague EVER and you WILL die from it, so naturally, they are scared out of their minds.

I have tried telling them that since they are healthy children, no underlying conditions, the swine flu will be just like having the regular flu to them. They will not die from the flu. I can't express enough to them how hand washing is so very important, as is covering your sneezes and coughs. Although, since I am not a doctor, to them, that discredits me.

Common sense goes a long way!

Now, to the vaccines. *sigh* I am not anti vaccine. I am, however, against shooting our young babies with over 74 vaccines by the time they are 6 years old! And, then, on The View yesterday, the doctor told them that the vaccines they had as a child are no longer in working. So, you need to be re vaccinated for some of them.

Wait? What? How long ago did they stop working? So, how did all these diseases get virtually erased if the vaccines we had stopped working in our systems?

They were already on their way out...There is proof that the Polio disease was already on its way out before the vaccine was invented.

Back to the flu vaccine. The vaccine is not going to stop you from getting the flu. There are too many strains of the flu to make a viable vaccine. Plus, there are too many people wanting the vaccine that they have to keep diluting it with preserves so all you're getting is part of the vaccine.

Do you know what vaccines are made from? You would be absolutely appalled if you knew what was in a vaccine. Why are we so health conscious that we eat all locally grown organic food, no prepackaged junk food, all fresh, etc etc but yet the toxins and JUNK that are being injected to our children are all OK?

Do your homework and see what is exactly in those vaccines that doctors are advocating.

A challenge

I love challenges! Especially the ones that have to deal with behavior in my children and in my birds. Today's challenge is to keep my lovebirds off the floor! My blue masked lovebird is finding that underneath my hutch in my kitchen is a neat place to hide. I've gotten some really good advice. The only thing is, he sneaks underneath there. He won't go under while we are watching him. He looks around to make sure no one is watching, but then if he even thinks we're going to be watching, he waits until we are busy. Even if we peek around the corner, he knows we're still watching!

So, I need to find a safe place for him to play that is out of the way. Just putting up a hideaway to make as his new clubhouse isn't going to work. He'll want it to be hidden... And, to make this challenge even harder; he is clipped but regaining some of his flight feathers. Even though, it is still hard for him to get to where he wants to go.

Where to put this hidey-hole? Nothing like rearranging your house for birds!! My house has gone to the birds LOL At least they let me have my favorite chair, the TV, and my coffee. I'm happy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I watch too much TV

I do have my fav TV shows that I watch. Oprah is not one of my fav's, but I watch when there is something interesting on like yesterday, the day before, and today. Yesterday's show really hit home. I have not had anything happen to me like the family on the show yesterday, but it made me think. Or, have an ah-hah moment as she says.

I need to start appreciating the things in my life, even the little things in my life! Because I truly believe that someone, something somewhere says, "Well, you don't appreciate this so you do not deserve it." and poof, that thing is gone.

I get stuck on the stupidest things like my weight for example. I am thin, scary thin as some say but it is my genes. My mother is thin, my sister is thin, and my dad is thin. My grandfather's were thin. My grandmother's were thin when they were younger so there is hope for me yet.

Anyway, gosh I always go off topic...

Anyway, I get stuck on how small I am and think that people are staring at me when I go out of the house which some are, but gosh, at least I am not being stared at because I was burnt on 90% of my body.

She has such courage!

School Violence on the Today Show

This morning, while feeding my nephew his baby cereal and fruit, I was watching the Today Show and was appalled! 61% of children in today's schools have witnessed violence. 25% have been a victim of a robbery and 46% have been assaulted. Why are our children being exposed to violence at school? School!? The place where every child should be safe! Some of these kids come from a not so nice home life. School should be their safe zone :o( Why are they being attacked in school!? I am so sad for these kids.

I blame parents and the teachers. Parents because some parents are not activily in their child's life for some reason or another...too self absorbed, too drunk or stoned, too into work, too depressed...what-have-you. Wake up parents! You had these children now parent them!!!!!

Yes, teachers do not make a whole lot of money. They knew this going into the profession. When some teachers start out, they hope to make a difference in a child's life, not get rich. Some where along the line it changed.

A soldier does not make a lot of money either and you don't hear them complaining. They are protecting our country, our lives, sometimes paying with their own life! Yet, they can qualify for welfare and WIC. We did. We got WIC when our children were babies and that is when we lived in base housing with no other bills but our utilities. Most of the time we didn't have a phone nor cable TV because we couldn't afford it.

Got a little sidetracked...sorry... Parents need to get control over their children. Teachers need to get control over their classrooms again. Do it for the rewards of seeing a child learn, to get it like you did when you first started teaching.

My son's kindergarten teacher was horrible! She was just a few years away from retirement, but should have quit long before she got my son. She did not enjoy children, especially the ones who needed help. She just wanted to teach the good quiet ones. The things she did to my son could equal abuse in my opinion. And, in my husband's opinion and anyone else that you talk to.

She would make my son miss his bus just because he was a bit pokier than the rest of the students. he'd lose focus of what he was suppose to be day when I had had enough of it, she made him miss the bus. I went off on her! I told her that what if someone saw my son standing out on the sidewalk crying and just scooped him up and left. I told her that I would have charged her with negligence. Then I said that I had no way of coming to get him and she'd have to bring him home herself. I mean, really, that is why he rode the bus! We lived too far from the school to walk and I didn't always have a car at home to transport him myself.

After he got home that day, I also called the school and told them the same exact thing. I don't know if she got reprimanded for that or not, I doubt it really.

Well, to my utter amazement, she did bring him home and that was the end of letting him miss his bus!

Now this lady is running for school board! Heaven help us all if she wins which she probably will as she was a favorite teacher to the good quiet kids.

I just think a teacher is the most influential person in a child's life. She/he is the one that is going to either make the child enjoy school or make the child despise school.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Someone slap me

Or at least block Craigslist from my computer, please. I see these posts about birds being locked in cages all day long, every day and then people advertising them on CL saying they are mean birds :o( I'd be mean, too if someone locked me up all day, every day.

Think about it... You wake in the morning knowing exactly what is going to happen that day. Another day of being neglected. Another day of sitting staring out into space. Another day of eating the same nasty food. Not having anything to do, no one to talk to... Pretty soon you'd be wishing NOT to wake up in the morning :o(

I feel so sorry for these beautiful creatures and want to make life better for them. They did not ask for you to purchase them and they certainly did not ask for you to stick them in a cage. A bird, a majestic creature that was made to fly not be locked up in a cage!!

Enough ranting. The point to my little speech was that we are getting a new family member! A little girl, peach faced lovebird! Who ironically enough, looks like my Peanut.

Can I seriously block CL from my computer?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I'm a bad fidmomma

See, I had good intentions. I really did. But, I was so pooped from helping my sister move that I didn't get to read to Joey last night. He so enjoys his bedtime story. I feel so bad :o(

I'll read him a story this morning to make up for the one I didn't read last night.

To make matter's worse, the 2 little girls that I watch in the morning for 2 hours, have a 2 hour delay this morning. So, instead of going to school at 8, they won't be going in until 10 which will be cutting into my morning with the birds.

This always happens. I vow to do better and something cuts me off at the knees. Why? What did I do to tempt karma?

Seriously, I know better. Sometimes I get a little whiny and feel superior to such bumps in the road like school schedules. I feel as if they are personally attacking me sometimes. See, I am so superior that the schools sit in a little room and discuss how they can make Jally's life harder LOL Ok, all kidding aside I know that isn't true.

My wonderful therapist taught me that I need to have the confidence in myself to know that I can work through life's little speed bumps. Still working on that topic...

I'm going to have such a great day! Peanut's new cage (well half of it...the other half is in MD so should be here sometime today) was delivered yesterday while I was helping my sister. So, today I get to decorate his new cage!! Yoohoo!!! I love rearranging cages. It is like setting up a preschool room for children! sister might call me to watch the baby while she cleans her old apartment. If that happens, I will be just fine and I'll work around that. I have plenty to do in the daycare room while he naps.

Peanut is still his usual terror self. He has found my son's stuffed animals in his closet, and my stuffed animals in my closet...SHOOSH!! LOL My son doesn't have a door to his closet because it broke a long time ago, so I can't shut his door. I don't like his bedroom door shut (he's 15, need I say more???) so the only alternative is to get rid of his stuffed animals.

Oh dear, I bet you're wondering why a 15 year old boy still has stuffed animals. He has Asperger's which is a form of autism and change is hard for him. And, getting rid of his stuffed animals would be like saying good bye to his childhood-his younger self and that would be devastating.

So, what to do, what to do?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


A routine is what I need. Hubby has the cutest routine for the Suns. Each morning, before he gets them up, he has all their food ready. He has a certain amount of walnuts and pistacchios that he gives each and a certain amount of cereal pieces sitting on the counter ready for them. Spoiled birds get cereal while my guys get yucky veggies and pasta! LOL

Back to hubby; He goes and gets the Suns from the bird room, hurriedly brings them into the living room so that Gibby can go potty. Gibby will not potty in his night time cage either.

Then it is kisses from daddy, (I stay away, I do not want a lip piercing), and cereal pieces. Once they've each had a piece of cereal, he puts in their food bowl and puts the rest of the cereal pieces in their treat bowl.

Not to worry, their cereal is organic good for you shredded wheat stuff that is expensive but since it is for the birds.... Not to mention it is not being sold in any of our local stores anymore. Hubby buys it when he takes our daughter grocery shopping when he takes her back to college in a neighboring city.

In the meantime, I am either eating my breakfast or doing some housework when Peanut gets up. We have no special morning routine... We have our special evening routine, but that isn't enough...

Our morning routine is Peanut flying to my head, climbing down on to my shoulder, and gacking for whatever body part he can find. If there are no body parts, he gacks on my shirt... :o( See, hormones.

So, yes a better routine is what I need...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I found me!

I literally lost myself; got a new computer and never got my stuff off of the old one. Seems like a difficult job, time consuming, so I have been procrastinating about doing it. Some day. Maybe :o)

Soooo....what is new?

Not much with me except hubby got laid off and I am done doing daycare but not by my decision. I am still watching my nephew, however my mom and I are sharing him, sort of. She watches him in the morning, and then I watch him in the afternoon.

This allows me to get my house back in order and I am loving it! Mom asked me how on earth I can find stuff to do for 4 hours!? LOL When my 4 hours are up, I am not done with my work so I can easily fill up that time. Mom says she gets bored. I say what she needs are some birds LOL

So, with the new schedule, it means changes in our lives. Especially for the birds. Well, at least for 2 of them...Peanut and Baby Joey. Oh, and Oreo because we are having some issues with him. I swear he is either part beaver or part termite. He is determined to eat our entire house!

He actually chewed through an electrical wire that goes to our phone! We had to get new phones, but that was the least of our worry of course. He could have killed himself. It happened on hubby's watch heeheehee

Anyway, it is very apparent that he needs more chewing opportunities, even though he has a lot, he needs MORE!

That is easy enough to fix. Next is Baby Joey. He is a lineolated parakeet and I really don't know much about them. They aren't all that popular, yet so there isn't much info out there about linnies.

What I did read is totally opposite of what I do with Baby Joey. Urrrrrchhhhhhhhhhhh go the brakes. Reverse and totally revamp my ideas about him.

Number 1 thing to do is to bring him out into the living room during the day. See, Baby Joey lived in the bird room during the day with 1 lovebird, 3 budgies and 2 cockatiels. According to the Lineolated Parakeet Society's webpage, linnies should not be living with budgies because linnies are so calm and quiet and it would stress them out too much. Uhoh. Mistake number 1.

And, then I read that linnies like to have a clean living environment so they should not live with dusty birds such as cockatiels. Oops, mistake number 2.

But, someone forgot to tell this to Joey. He flock calls a lot when he is out in the living room. He loves his budgie buddies.

But, (again), he is not as aggressive, strick that, he is not aggressive when given a break from the budgies. He was biting, a lot. Linnies are not aggressive by nature so this was not something to take lightly.

He was biting me a lot, and now since he has been in the living room, he has bitten me a total of 2 times.

Next is to move his sleep cage into my bedroom but since a clean environment is important to linnies (and I know it is important to Joey since he doesn't poop in his sleep cage), I need to clean my bedroom! LOL

Next item of business is Peanut, my problem child. *sigh* Gosh, I don't know where to start with him. He is in hormone overdrive and I really feel it is my fault because I have been lax in making sure he has lots to do :o( We've even stopped doing step up and he has been a booger about getting off of me when I need him to. He runs from one side of my shoulder to the other, down my back, up my head. Oy! It makes me not want to get him out of the bird room/cage.

But, item number catrillion and fifteen... impliment (implement??? sp??) some discipline in this house regarding the monster, errr I mean the Peeps ;o)

How am I going to do that? Lots of praise, lots of consistency, lots of patience, lots of play time, lots of things to do, and a routine.

I want to try to forgo a wing clip if I can... I will update my progress as I go :o)