Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Angel Baby

If someone would have told me 3 years ago that I'd be laying in bed with a 50 gram sleeping green bird in my shirt, instead of sitting and watching tv with my husband, I would have said that they are absolutely nuts!

The love I feel for this tiny being, I can't even put it into words. I miss him when I am away from him. I want the best for him.

They say that a parrot is nothing like a child and that we shouldn't treat them as our feathered children. But, you know, I've only felt this way 3 other times before with my 3 human children.

Although, 4 years ago, we lost a very much loved member of our family and when she died I don't think I could have mourned any more if she were my human child.

Anyway, back to my original thought- They also say that we shouldn't project human emotions on birds either. I don't understand this because they do have emotions, and for that matter, moods.

They get sad, they're happy, they mourn....When I wrote on a forum that Peanut moped when he was in his cage, I got told that Peanut did not mope. Birds do not mope! I just thought he was moping.

Nope! Sorry! I can read Peanut's moods and emotions. I even know when he's thirsty! (I know that's not an emotion or mood, I'm just saying...I know my bird) When Peanut is locked in his cage, he just sits. He doesn't eat or play. Now, if his cage door is open, he will go in and out, he will even eat and play with his toys! Totally different moods!

Like I said, I love the little guy, he is my heart-some days he's the reason why I get up in the morning.