Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A challenge

I love challenges! Especially the ones that have to deal with behavior in my children and in my birds. Today's challenge is to keep my lovebirds off the floor! My blue masked lovebird is finding that underneath my hutch in my kitchen is a neat place to hide. I've gotten some really good advice. The only thing is, he sneaks underneath there. He won't go under while we are watching him. He looks around to make sure no one is watching, but then if he even thinks we're going to be watching, he waits until we are busy. Even if we peek around the corner, he knows we're still watching!

So, I need to find a safe place for him to play that is out of the way. Just putting up a hideaway to make as his new clubhouse isn't going to work. He'll want it to be hidden... And, to make this challenge even harder; he is clipped but regaining some of his flight feathers. Even though, it is still hard for him to get to where he wants to go.

Where to put this hidey-hole? Nothing like rearranging your house for birds!! My house has gone to the birds LOL At least they let me have my favorite chair, the TV, and my coffee. I'm happy.

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