Sunday, December 6, 2009

Still got the mommy guilts

Peanut sat most of the day. I think he was pouting. :o(

Although I did notice just how determined he is because he was on the couch with me when daddy walked by to do the nightly fresh water routine. Peanut always goes with daddy to do the night time routine so he tried with all his might to get to daddy and he made it to the dining room which was only about 6 feet or so from where we were sitting. But, still, he made it that far having a very short clip! (not my doing!!! Next time, if there is a next time, I will take him to the vet!)

I had a very nice day yesterday. First we lounged around in our PJ's, then we all got ready to take the puppies to visit Santa and have their picture taken. Then we came home and put up our tree and other decorations. Then we ate dinner together and it was time for bed. The best part was that we got our very first snow! It was the perfect kind of snow that just dusted the grass, trees, and the tops of the vehicles. But it didn't stick to the roads! :o) It was beautiful!

1 comment:

. said...

has he had a wing clip before? i always feel bad giving mine wing clips (though it's been a while) cuz i like to see them fly around. they look so happy and free doing what's natural to them.

how many birds do you have?