Thursday, October 1, 2009

I'm a bad fidmomma

See, I had good intentions. I really did. But, I was so pooped from helping my sister move that I didn't get to read to Joey last night. He so enjoys his bedtime story. I feel so bad :o(

I'll read him a story this morning to make up for the one I didn't read last night.

To make matter's worse, the 2 little girls that I watch in the morning for 2 hours, have a 2 hour delay this morning. So, instead of going to school at 8, they won't be going in until 10 which will be cutting into my morning with the birds.

This always happens. I vow to do better and something cuts me off at the knees. Why? What did I do to tempt karma?

Seriously, I know better. Sometimes I get a little whiny and feel superior to such bumps in the road like school schedules. I feel as if they are personally attacking me sometimes. See, I am so superior that the schools sit in a little room and discuss how they can make Jally's life harder LOL Ok, all kidding aside I know that isn't true.

My wonderful therapist taught me that I need to have the confidence in myself to know that I can work through life's little speed bumps. Still working on that topic...

I'm going to have such a great day! Peanut's new cage (well half of it...the other half is in MD so should be here sometime today) was delivered yesterday while I was helping my sister. So, today I get to decorate his new cage!! Yoohoo!!! I love rearranging cages. It is like setting up a preschool room for children! sister might call me to watch the baby while she cleans her old apartment. If that happens, I will be just fine and I'll work around that. I have plenty to do in the daycare room while he naps.

Peanut is still his usual terror self. He has found my son's stuffed animals in his closet, and my stuffed animals in my closet...SHOOSH!! LOL My son doesn't have a door to his closet because it broke a long time ago, so I can't shut his door. I don't like his bedroom door shut (he's 15, need I say more???) so the only alternative is to get rid of his stuffed animals.

Oh dear, I bet you're wondering why a 15 year old boy still has stuffed animals. He has Asperger's which is a form of autism and change is hard for him. And, getting rid of his stuffed animals would be like saying good bye to his childhood-his younger self and that would be devastating.

So, what to do, what to do?

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