Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A controversial post

Something that is gaining a lot of TV coverage these days is the flu and the flu vaccines.

First of all, thanks to all the journalists for successfully scaring my daycare children. They are so worried that they will get the swine flu. The journalists have made it sound as if it is the worst thing to a plague EVER and you WILL die from it, so naturally, they are scared out of their minds.

I have tried telling them that since they are healthy children, no underlying conditions, the swine flu will be just like having the regular flu to them. They will not die from the flu. I can't express enough to them how hand washing is so very important, as is covering your sneezes and coughs. Although, since I am not a doctor, to them, that discredits me.

Common sense goes a long way!

Now, to the vaccines. *sigh* I am not anti vaccine. I am, however, against shooting our young babies with over 74 vaccines by the time they are 6 years old! And, then, on The View yesterday, the doctor told them that the vaccines they had as a child are no longer in working. So, you need to be re vaccinated for some of them.

Wait? What? How long ago did they stop working? So, how did all these diseases get virtually erased if the vaccines we had stopped working in our systems?

They were already on their way out...There is proof that the Polio disease was already on its way out before the vaccine was invented.

Back to the flu vaccine. The vaccine is not going to stop you from getting the flu. There are too many strains of the flu to make a viable vaccine. Plus, there are too many people wanting the vaccine that they have to keep diluting it with preserves so all you're getting is part of the vaccine.

Do you know what vaccines are made from? You would be absolutely appalled if you knew what was in a vaccine. Why are we so health conscious that we eat all locally grown organic food, no prepackaged junk food, all fresh, etc etc but yet the toxins and JUNK that are being injected to our children are all OK?

Do your homework and see what is exactly in those vaccines that doctors are advocating.

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