Friday, October 16, 2009

Update to my challenge

Well, it didn't work out too well. I successfully stopped him/her from going under the hutch. And, I made new hidey holes for him. But, he had no interest in them just yet and my female lovebird found them first which started a fight between Oreo and Peaches. So, the hidey holes went bye byes.

Back to the drawing board.

One thing I know is, I have to keep them from fighting so all potential nesting sites must go. Which means my kitchen curtains must go. Even though Oreo is clipped, he is getting some flight feathers back so he is able to make it to the kitchen window.

I think I took on too much when I brought Peaches home.

I liked the dynamics of my flock before. We were happy. Why did I have to have Peaches? She has literally rearranged my whole entire flock and my house. Poor Peanut is so confused! He is in hormone overdrive all the time. My poor baby. I don't know what to do for him. Maybe I should consider rehoming Peaches??? :o( I don't even want to think about that because when an animal comes to live with us, this is their final home.

Hmm, what to do what to do????


. said...

i understand. with each new bird, the dynamics change. and as their relationship with each other changes, the flock changes. joey and evie are no longer close. pan and evie want nothing to do w/ joey, which then made him not want anything to do w/ them either. he bites at them and scares them off when they are near. there's more too, but for the most part, i know what you mean.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment :o) I've found that as long as Peaches stays out of Oreo's cage and play area, they can live in harmony. And, it helps that Oreo is now clipped. I refuse to clip Peaches because she is in egg laying mode again. Peanut is still oblivious to the fact that there are 2 other lovies here until he wants something that they have.