Thursday, October 8, 2009

I watch too much TV

I do have my fav TV shows that I watch. Oprah is not one of my fav's, but I watch when there is something interesting on like yesterday, the day before, and today. Yesterday's show really hit home. I have not had anything happen to me like the family on the show yesterday, but it made me think. Or, have an ah-hah moment as she says.

I need to start appreciating the things in my life, even the little things in my life! Because I truly believe that someone, something somewhere says, "Well, you don't appreciate this so you do not deserve it." and poof, that thing is gone.

I get stuck on the stupidest things like my weight for example. I am thin, scary thin as some say but it is my genes. My mother is thin, my sister is thin, and my dad is thin. My grandfather's were thin. My grandmother's were thin when they were younger so there is hope for me yet.

Anyway, gosh I always go off topic...

Anyway, I get stuck on how small I am and think that people are staring at me when I go out of the house which some are, but gosh, at least I am not being stared at because I was burnt on 90% of my body.

She has such courage!

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