Friday, March 15, 2013

Positive Affirmations

Yesterday's therapy session was about this topic. Do you know how hard it is to come up with a whole list of things you are good at? I don't mean the typical I am a good mom, I am a good wife, I am a good daughter types of things. I mean things like: I am caring, kind, nurturing, etc. That's hard. I had 2 whole weeks to make this list, but I procrastinated something awful and didn't make it until the very last minute. In fact, I was writing stuff down in the parking lot at the therapist's office!

Unless you are super egotistical, you know what I am talking about. It's healthy to have a positive outlook of yourself. I do not have that. But, through out my session, I said more than a few times, "Oh, I should have written that down, too." Then she gave me her pen to write that particular affirmation down. On the way home, I thought up more positive affirmations about me.

I'm not egotistical, I am someone who has a hard time believing in myself. Especially since I live with a house full of negative and selfish people. It is very hard to stay positive. I truly believe that is why fate has brought people into my remind me that I am a worthwhile human being. It is sad that my own family cannot do this for me. What is sadder, is that I can't do this for myself. But, it is what it is and hopefully, with the right tools I can learn to do this. Meanwhile, my list is growing! One of my favorites I wrote down on my list is that I AM IMPORTANT. We all are, no matter what the people in our lives say to us!

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