Monday, March 11, 2013

Planning and Plotting

I now understand why my therapist had me think of a hobby that I can do on my own, without the husband or the kids; just something for me. She said that I would enjoy the planning phase, and I am. I have been this excited before about trying new things, however my excitement diminished when I realized that no one was going to help me. In fact, they often discouraged me. This time it is different! This time, I don't care what they say or how they try to discourage me. I am going to start my garden and have my greenhouses.

The difference this time is, I am determined to make this happen! I do not need anyone's approval or help because I AM capable of doing this. If I need help, I won't rely on the people who are "suppose" to help me. I will hire someone.

So, with that said...I have found the store where I will buy my seeds. The husband doesn't have plans for the extra garbage can in the backyard, so it is mine to use for composting! :-) I just need to clean it out and figure out where to put it - in the shade or in the sun. Our house gets sun all day, but we do have 1 shade tree that shades the eastern part of the house. Should a compost pile be in the sun or in the shade? I'm thinking in the shade so it doesn't decompose too fast, but I really don't know. More research needs to be completed before that decision gets made.   

And worms...are "live bait" worms the same as composting worms? I dunno...worms are worms to me, but I read that there are certain types of worms that are preferred for composting. I also read that I will need to buy good worms, because a good worm will live for years in a compost. This makes me think that "live bait" worms are not the same as composting worms. Can I just dig in the dirt to get my worms? We use to do that when we were kids and wanted to go fishing...who didn't, huh?

My day today will consist of researching worms and where to place a compost pile! LOL I am also going to visit my grandmother. Today is her 96th birthday! :-) Oh yeah...and cleaning. Blech!

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