Sunday, October 19, 2008

What a beautiful fall day!

It is just the right amount of chilly today, but too windy to burn leaves. Makes me want to put on a sweater and drink warm apple cider!

Decluttering is going very well. I am very pleased with myself! Thursday, however, I did not get anything thrown away or put aside for Godwill. It was just too busy of a day. But, every other day, I managed to throw away something. Yesterday, like most days, I threw away a ton of stuff. Old candles that I will never burn because of the birds. Potpourri that has lost its scent (seriously, they only smell good in the store...why is that???). Baskets galore. I love it! I am so proud of myself. I never considered myself a hoarder or a person that has a lot of clutter. But, I am amazed at the amount of stuff that I ponder why I have it.

Then me and the 2 girls that are staying here, rearranged the furniture in the living room and some things in the dining room. Oh, and I forgot that 2 things went out to the curb for free pickup.

I don't know what I am going to put on my menu this week. But, as soon as I know I'll post it.

I know that nobody except one person reads this blog (Hi Anneke) but that is OK. I do this more for me than for anything else. I love to write and put my thoughts down and this keeps me accountable, too.

Tata for now!

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