Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cones, Bubbles, and E-collars Continued

The other day we were talking about collars for plucking parrots. Let me share a picture with you. This picture is one of Sisco's ponchos doing its job. On the poncho WAS a flower, Sisco just about demolished it to the point where I will need to fix it before she wears it again. The poncho did 2 things. It was comfortable to Sisco which allowed her to eat, preen, drink, and play. Whereas an e-collar, cone, of bubble would not allow most of these things, but especially preen. If a bird gets depressed from having one of these devices on her, she will stop eating, too. That could be dangerous. So, it allowed her comfort and also kept her warm.

The second big job this poncho did was to keep her from totally plucking her feathers out. Now, it didn't keep her from plucking, period. But, it did keep her from constantly plucking. It kept her distracted long enough to let some new feathers grow in.

Job well done!

PS. Last night at dinner, Sisco ATE a bite of broccoli!!!!! 

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