Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Birthday to my awesome little man!

In 2 days, June 20th, my sweet baby boy will be 5 years old! Gosh, I don't know where the time went. It seems just like yesterday that I brought him home. We learned so much together, I learned not to stress out over his stages while he learned how to trust me. I treasure our times that we spend together, but especially our night time snuggles. Those night time snuggles are the best time of the day for me! I look forward to those because it is just me and my baby, I relax and let the world take care of itself. He is the light of my life. My Peanut!


Anneka said...

Awww, Peanut. Goodness, 5 yrs old! You should make him a tiny b-day cake, maybe with some shredded carrots on the top and carrot tops in the middle.
I wish we could do such a cake together. Love you and Peanut as always!

Unknown said...

I didn't know you commented. Must check out my notifications... Yes! A cake is in order for both birdies and humans! LOL I wish we could bake a cake together, too. Love you my soul sister.