Monday, July 14, 2014

Afraid to be alone

So, since the 2 GC officers and the cop picked my locked front door, searched my home, shoved Wiggles into a cardboard box, scared my parrots and dogs, and most importantly scared my autistic son I am scared to be alone.

I hate this house, I hate this area, I want to go far far away and never come back.

Sisco has especially been affected by all this. She's plucking like never before, and I mean at least a feather a day! Her tail only has 2 really long feathers left in it.

My anxieties are sky high. When I have to leave the house, I am so scared that I'll come home and find the GC officer or a cop in my driveway. It's not rational, I have no reason for them to be here, but that's fear for you... they're usually not rational.

My once front door used to be open so I could see the robins, cardinals, and finches coming to my feeders. Now it's shut and locked tight. I no longer sit on my porch swing, my little piece of heaven on earth, nor do I play in my flowerbed or my fairy garden. Everything is all overgrown.

I have a headache today cause all I got done doing is crying and cleaning, even though it's almost been a month, it still feels like it was just a few minutes ago. F#$% cooking. Nobody is getting a dinner! 

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