Sunday, August 31, 2008

New baby

We have a brand new baby girl!! No name yet, but she is a fiesty and noisy one. She is a Seagreen Peach Faced Lovebird. So that makes the bird count up to 11...uhoh, an odd number! I do not like odd numbers!! But, it will have to do for now because our house is full. There is no more room for another member of this family unless I start invading children's rooms which I am sure they would not all!

Peanut is happy to have a friend. He had to fly to her cage as soon as we opened the door. It was weird because he did his scaredy chirp first, then after he heard her, he flew right to her cage! He didn't stay scared for long.

We need names!! I can not think of any. Her original name was Evil and there is no way that I am keeping that!

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