Monday, October 14, 2013

Oh dear! It has been awhile!

Well, what can I say? That darn life gets in the way of blogging. So, lots have happened between now and the last time I posted. Let's not go into detail, but instead we will say that the main characters are still here and that's all that matters.

A new member to our flock joined us in late June. He was an abandoned starling baby that somehow fell out of his nest and landed in a hay pile, far away from anything that could have resembled a nest. His eyes weren't even open when we found him, so we scooped him up and brought him home. Internet searches identified him as a 4 or 5 day old starling baby. "Baby" was the correct word for him! Suddenly, I was thrown into a world that was so different from raising lovebird babies. I was raising a baby bird that at first glance of me, thought I was his momma. Midnight feedings, round the clock daytime feedings, cleaning up poopoo, keeping him warm, and holding him to reassure him that he was OK was my daily routine for weeks upon weeks.

Then he fledged. And flew into the bay window in the living room. I heard it from the next room and instantly knew what happened. Seeing his little body on the living room floor, I thought he had died and a piece of me died with him. When I scooped him up though, I could tell he was still alive.

It was touch and go for awhile, and even though he isn't 100% back to normal and never will be, he is spunky and stubborn and full of life! Living with a starling is different in and of itself, however living with a disabled starling is something else! It is truly inspiring. I am not worthy and I tell him that daily. He doesn't listen.

So, that's how we became privileged to be the parents of a starling. He is 4 months old now and the light of my life. Along with his other birdie siblings. 

In other birdie news, Sisco is still plucking. More so than ever, it seems. I have no idea why unless it is because of Wiggles, the starling or the new puppy... Really, it could be anything. I am going to try a new to us product called a Sock Buddy. As soon as the husband goes back to work (he is one of those government furloughed employees) I will buy some tiny socks, the kind that are recommended to use by the people who developed the Sock Buddy. I will let you all know how it works out. In the meantime, I made her some new ponchos, specifically for Halloween! I found the most amazing felt shapes to decorate her ponchos! They are not only adorable, but they keep her entertained. She is always trying to get the little shapes off instead of trying to get her feathers off. Which is better!

Shapes and buttons! Sisco is stylish!! I need to go to Walmart today to get more adorable Halloween buttons to decorate her adorable ponchos! oh, and poptarts! :-) The Sock Buddy! Check 'em out!

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