Sunday, November 11, 2012

Two Weeks From Hell

My family has had the worst 2 weeks imaginable! We lost the patriarch member of my husband's family after a lengthy illness. It wasn't a complete surprise, however death is never welcomed or expected.

On top of losing my husband's grandfather, my 95 year old grandmother fell and broke her femur bone and had to have surgery to fix it. Since she had a hip replacement surgery less than 5 years ago, it wasn't as simple as putting in a few screws. She had to have a plate, some screws, and wire to hold it in place! She is such a trooper and came through the surgery with flying colors!

All of this has affected Sisco. Her new shoulder feathers are gone. Her leg feathers are gone, there is a tail feather on the floor next to her cage, and she did nothing but yank and pull feathers out last evening while we were cuddling. Needless to say, she is pissed at me! 

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