Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ugh! Not Going So Well...But

Along with finding friends, my therapist told me that I needed a hobby, something to do that didn't include my husband and children. No, not cleaning or running errands, either. But, something that I liked to do. I was suppose to come up with a list of things that I liked to do and that I liked. Within this list, I would find some hobby for myself. Then it hit me!


I have always loved playing in the dirt (bugless dirt, tho!) and tending to my indoor plants. One of my dream jobs would be to either own or work in a nursery. A local nursery is hiring, and while that would be an awesome opportunity for me, a job is out of the question for now.

My therapist said that when I found my hobby, I will go into a planning mode. Boy! Was she ever right!! The excitement I felt last night while making up my (dream) shopping list was enough to flow over into today! I am so excited to get started!

I'm not so sure what to purchase first, because I will need (read: want) a whole crap load of stuff.

- greenhouse
- containers
- seeds
- heater/cooling system
- salad trays for lettuces
- watering system
- organic soil
- thermometer
- timer
- grow lights

Ok, so I won't technically NEED all that. But, good golly do I WANT all that! If I plan right, this hobby will keep me busy ALL year long! Woot! I may even be able to sell a few veggies and houseplants.

All I need to do is... WIN THE LOTTERY so I can buy my stuff! :-/

Oh yeah...if I troll the gardening stores enough, I may even make a new local friend...

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