Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sisco has a rash!

It's on her tummy and her chest. This is a new development and I'm scouring the internet to see what the probable cause could be and coming up empty. The only thing I can find is an allergic reaction. But to what? I have not changed anything lately, except I did buy a new face wash, however I only used it 2 times before I realized that it was too strong of a smell for even me and I shouldn't wash my face right before our night time snuggles. Instead, I have washed my face after Sisco goes to bed.

So, what could this be? I so wish we had an avian vet local, but we do not. I'd have to drive at least an hour and a half to just 1 vet. All the others are 2 + hours away. Of course it is worth it and I'd do it in a heartbeat, but gas at $3.79 a gallon, plus the cost of the vet visit would break my piggy bank. :( What to do, what to do???

I found this link on vitamin toxicity and thought it to be very interesting. What this person is saying is that it is very difficult to over supplement a bird's diet. But, I don't know about that. I read the reason why pellets are not suitable for smaller birds such as cockatiels and lovebirds is because of vitamin toxicity. I do not feed my little guys pellets at all. They get all the nutrients they need from the fresh fruits and veggies and grains, plus their seeds that they eat.


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