Sunday, August 26, 2012

I Totally Made My Son's Day Today

and exposed myself to a little bit of culture at the same time. How did I do this? I took my son to a jazz festival. He enjoyed himself immensely! He was rocking out in the way only he can. Snapping his fingers, tapping his cane (umbrella), and beating his hands against the wall. It was too cute!

Unfortunately, even at a jazz festival where funky hats and bohemian style clothing is perfectly acceptable, he still stood out and got quite a few people gawking at him. He wore his fedora and scarf. He was also carrying an umbrella, but it was pouring and a tornado touched down in the next town over so it was warranted and he wasn't the only one carrying one. He also wasn't the only one that was totally getting into the music. 

My son is one of the people that I look up to, because he has no fear of standing out and being his own person. He's awesome!

Me thinks I will be hearing more bongo drumming coming from his room in the near future :)

This is who we saw today: She's awesome!

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