Sunday, October 19, 2008
What a beautiful fall day!
Decluttering is going very well. I am very pleased with myself! Thursday, however, I did not get anything thrown away or put aside for Godwill. It was just too busy of a day. But, every other day, I managed to throw away something. Yesterday, like most days, I threw away a ton of stuff. Old candles that I will never burn because of the birds. Potpourri that has lost its scent (seriously, they only smell good in the store...why is that???). Baskets galore. I love it! I am so proud of myself. I never considered myself a hoarder or a person that has a lot of clutter. But, I am amazed at the amount of stuff that I ponder why I have it.
Then me and the 2 girls that are staying here, rearranged the furniture in the living room and some things in the dining room. Oh, and I forgot that 2 things went out to the curb for free pickup.
I don't know what I am going to put on my menu this week. But, as soon as I know I'll post it.
I know that nobody except one person reads this blog (Hi Anneke) but that is OK. I do this more for me than for anything else. I love to write and put my thoughts down and this keeps me accountable, too.
Tata for now!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Happy Saturday!
We're going out to eat this evening at a Chinese restuarant, not one of my favs but I will suffer thru it for my babies because it IS their fav restuarant.
We're trying to save as much money as we can, so my precious girls are going to pay for their own way and then that leaves us with hubby's, Leelee's and my bill. I think we can do that...
Decluttering is going well. I'm trying to find one thing a day to declutter and today I threw away a basket. But, my box for Goodwill is still sitting in my daycare room. And, the big stereo is still in the daycare room, however, hubby and the girls said that they'd move it out to the edge of the yard with a free sign for someone to pick up.
This week's menu is:
Sunday- the Brown Sugar Chicken
Monday- Chili
Tuesday- sandwiches (grocery night and I try to go light on that meal since we are usually out until 7:30)
Wednesday- ham slices
Thursday- BBQ chicken
Friday- Order out
Saturday- ?? Not sure yet...
Sunday- ?? Not sure yet...
Maile is leaving her cage more and more... she flew out TWICE within an hour!!! But, kept going over to the conure's cage. Not a good move!! She won't step up for me, so I have to cover her up in a blankie and scoop her up that way. Then I can safely remove her and put her back in her own cage. She's not happy with that, but she needs to stay off their cage. For her sake and theirs. Soon though, her eggies will be going bye bye :o(
Gotta go and get ready!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Yep, that is me in my profile...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Trying something here...

I am getting serious! My house isn't a huge mess, but I am overwhelmed by the amount of people and animals here. So, to make my life a little bit easier, I need to get control of my paper clutter. Seriously!! I can put something down, and then forget where I put it. I have too many places where I put things and then forget where I put something important. So, I have a filing cabinet for the papers that I don't need to get to frequently and I have files...have had them for awhile now but had no ambition to do it. I also have a plan for the papers that I do need everyday. I can not put my bills and such in a filing cabinet because guaranteed, I will forget about them and when something gets shut won't be pretty LOL
Now to post my weekly menu...
Monday-Breakfast for supper
Tuesday-Taco Bake
Wednesday-Creamed Chicken
Thursday-Meatballs and baked Mac and Cheese
Friday-We usually order out for that supper, but we may be going out with the whole family on Saturday, so I am going to cook on Friday...Jessica will be sooooooooo mad!! So, Friday we're having a new recipe that I got from the same site...Brown Sugar Chicken.
Saturday-Eating out
Sunday-...not sure yet.